Antibody persistence in pre-school children after hexavalent vaccine infant primary and booster administration
Madhi, S.A ; López, P ; Zambrano, B ; Jordanov, E ; B'Chir, S ; Noriega, F ; Feroldi, E
Madhi, S.A
López, P
Zambrano, B
Jordanov, E
B'Chir, S
Noriega, F
Feroldi, E
Objective: Antibody persistence evaluation for all antigens of a fully liquid DTaP-IPV-HB-PRP~T vaccine at 3.5 and 4.5 y of age following different primary series and booster schedules in South Africa and Latin America.
Methods: Participants had completed one of two previous studies (Study 1-South Africa; Study 2-Latin America). In Study 1, participants who had not received HB vaccine at birth received a 6-10-14 week primary series of DTaP-IPV-HB-PRP~T or DTwP/PRP~T-Hib+HB+OPV and a third group who had received HB vaccine at birth received a 6-10-14 week primary series of DTaP-IPV-HB-PRP~T; all received a booster (15-18 months) of the primary series vaccine(s) except for HB in the DTwP/PRP~T-Hib group. In Study 2, participants received HB vaccine at birth, a 2-4-6 month primary series of DTaP-IPV-HB-PRP~T or DTaP-HB-IPV//PRP~T, and a DTaP-IPV-HB-PRP~T or DTaP-HB-IPV//PRP~T booster (12-24 months). Participants were followed up at 3.5 and 4.5 y of age for antibody persistence.
Results: Approximately 80% of eligible participants were assessed. In Study 1, a birth dose of HB increased anti-HBs persistence (≥10 mIU/mL) following DTaP-IPV-HB-PRP~T primary and booster vaccination from 76.3% to 96.1% at 3.5 y of age and from 73.3% to 96.1% at 4.5 y of age; in Study 2, anti-HBs persistence was high and similar in each group. For the other antigens, there were no differences between groups or studies at 3.5 or 4.5 y.
Conclusion: Good persistence of antibodies to each antigen in the DTaP-IPV-HB-PRP~T vaccine up to pre-school age, irrespective of the vaccination schedule during the first 2 y of life.
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Taylor & Francis
Research Projects
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booster,fully liquid,hexavalent,immunity persistence,infant,primary series,vaccine
Madhi SA, López P, Zambrano B, Jordanov E, B'Chir S, Noriega F, Feroldi E. Antibody persistence in pre-school children after hexavalent vaccine infant primary and booster administration. Hum Vaccin Immunother. 2019;15(3):658-668. doi: 10.1080/21645515.2018.1546524.