Derman, WayneSchwellnus, MartinHope, FallonJordaan, EsmePadayachee, Trishanta2016-01-282016-01-282014-09Description and implementation of U-Turn Medical, a comprehensive lifestyle intervention programme for chronic disease in the sport and exercise medicine setting: pre-post observations in 210 consecutive patients. 2014, 48 (17):1316-21 Br J Sports Med1473-04802498250210.1136/bjsports-2014-093814 Unit- Exercise Science and Sports Medicine Research UnitNon-communicable disease (NCD) is increasing, but management remains mostly curative, disease-centred and focused on single interventions. We describe the development and implementation of a patient-centred, comprehensive, multidisciplinary lifestyle intervention programme (LIP) for patients with NCD in the sport and exercise medicine (SEM) setting (part 1) and present preliminary observational data (part 2).enArchived with thanks to British journal of sports medicineCardiology preventionphysical activityExercise rehabilitationHealth promotionImplementationlifestyle intervention programmeNon-communicable diseasepatient-centredBlood PressureBody Fat DistributionBody Mass IndexChronic DiseaseExercise TestExercise TherapyFemaleHealth PromotionHeart RateHumansMaleMiddle AgedPatient-Centered CareRisk Reduction BehaviorSports MedicineWaist-Hip RatioDescription and implementation of U-Turn Medical, a comprehensive lifestyle intervention programme for chronic disease in the sport and exercise medicine setting: pre-post observations in 210 consecutive patients.ArticleBritish journal of sports medicine