Bocquier, PGinsburg, CCollinson, M.A2024-06-092024-06-092019-08-14Bocquier P, Ginsburg C, Collinson MA. A training manual for event history analysis using longitudinal data. BMC Research Notes. 2019 Aug 14;12(1):506. doi: 10.1186/s13104-019-4544-1 This research note reports on the activities of the Multi-centre Analysis of the Dynamics of Internal Migration And Health (MADIMAH) project aimed at collating and testing of a set of tools to conduct longitudinal event history analyses applied to standardised Health and Demographic Surveillance System (HDSS) datasets. The methods are illustrated using an example of longitudinal micro-data from the Agincourt HDSS, one of a number of open access datasets available through the INDEPTH iShare2 data repository. The research note documents the experience of the MADIMAH group in analysing HDSS data and demonstrates how complex analyses can be streamlined and conducted in an accessible way. These tools are aimed at aiding analysts and researchers wishing to conduct longitudinal data analysis of demographic events. Results The methods demonstrated in this research note may successfully be applied by practitioners to longitudinal micro-data from HDSS, as well as retrospective surveys or register data. The illustrations provided are accompanied by detailed, tested computer programs, which demonstrate the full potential of longitudinal data to generate both cross-sectional and longitudinal standard descriptive estimates as well as more complex regression estimates.enAttribution 3.0 United States dataTrainingHealth and Demographic Surveillance System (HDSS)A training manual for event history analysis using longitudinal dataArticleBMC Research Notes